Flash header goes here.
Web Developer References
Sample Flash Effects
Photoshop Actions Preview

Most Useful Sites

Undisputably the number one search engine on the planet. Try some of their other great services well:

Craigs List (Seattle), (Hawaii), (San Diego)
Possible the most useful website on the internet. Visit my favorite places

Developer Resources

Hands down the best place to find afforable stock phtotography on the web. You can usually find something that will work on the downside you have to weed through a lot of amature photos.

Flash Kit
Great flash tutorials, download flash files, sound fx and fun developer forums.

Over the years this free site has proven to be an invaliable reference for JavaScript, VBScript, AJAX, referencing the DHTML DOM and almost everything else related to web scripting.

Who's We Design Studio
A motivating site that fuled my excitement for flash.

An amazing mind boggeling site that taught me a lot about Photoshop and humbles my ego when it comes to interactive Flash development.

Software Providers

Microsoft has the best main streem office productivity applications, web servers and enterprise strength databases period. To use any other office productivity platform or database other than Access for small projects or SQL server for mission critical applications would be a major brain fart. Great software, no bugs, although their software is not free it is well worth the cost for quality and time saved on projects. They have great office resource like invoice templates, workout templates and customizable power point template presentations.

Adobe / Macromedia
The ruler of the photo editing and web development space. I love using Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Flash on a daily basis. Macromedia's site is a great resource for trial downloads of their software and their developer fourms are second to none. They usually have a cool homepage flash animation to boot.

Online Payment Partners

Wells Fargo / CyberSource
Great for processing real-time online payments for shopping carts. Offered by Wells Fargo so where ever you live you can talk to your local branch about setting up a merchant account (we have the code to integrate your site with CyberSource).

Hands down the fastest setup time, 5 minutes, no monthly fees, processing fees comparable to the lowest you can find, very easy to integrate with a new or existing website (we have the code to integrate your site with PayPal).

Similar to CyberSource although you need a seperate merchant account from your bank it's not one simple backage like Wells Fargo and CyberSource and also a little more advanced to integrate (we have the code to integrate your site with Authoize.net).

Web Hosting Partners

Godaddy reliable hosting company I have found. They have the industries best end user web server managemnt tool that allows advanced users to add extra domain names, add email accounts, review site traffic, set file permissions, create data DSNs you name it they built it into their customer control center. After managing servers manually I'm very pleased with the functionality provided and don't feel there are many tasks I cannot accomplish with their web administrator tool.

Domain Providers

A domain name is a domain name and doesn't really matter who you buy it from and GoDaddy is the cheapest place I've found.